Apply Now: La Nueva Siembra 2024!

February 9, 2024

At the heart of bg视讯's mission lies La Nueva Siembra, a program that serves as a beacon of hope and opportunity for experienced Spanish-speaking farmers with dreams of cultivating their own businesses. Developed with passion and dedication by bg视讯, La Nueva Siembra is more than just a course—it's a transformative journey of empowerment and community building.

Program Overview:

La Nueva Siembra is not just about business—it's about nurturing dreams, fostering growth, and sowing the seeds of possibility. This annual hybrid program provides a nurturing environment for experienced agricultural workers who are Spanish-first, to learn entirely in Spanish as they embark on their entrepreneurial journey. Through immersive learning experiences, participants not only learn the essentials of business creation but also discover the power of collaboration and solidarity within a supportive community.

Course Format:

As participants, you'll learn from industry experts and peers alike, blending virtual sessions with in-person workshops. From March to June, you'll engage in lively discussions, hands-on activities, and collaborative presentations, all aimed at empowering you to turn your agricultural dreams into reality.

Program Objectives:

La Nueva Siembra is more than a program—it's a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation. It's about planting seeds of hope, nurturing dreams, and watching them bloom into beautiful realities. 

The course will support in developing understanding of the components involved in creating an agricultural business. At the end of the course, participants are asked to present what was learned in the course and present it in class as evidence of growth and understanding.

Our program will cover components involved in setting up a farm business including:

  • Understanding the path from farm worker to farm ownership
  • Holistic vision and goal-setting
  • Strategic company planning 
  • Marketing and brand
  • Regulations and legal considerations
  • Sales and logistics operations
  • Financial planning
  • Access to land
  • Access to capital and resources


Who Can Apply: 

La Nueva Siembra is for the dreamers, the visionaries, and the changemakers with at least 1 year of agriculture experience in   tending the crops and nurturing the land with love and dedication. This program is primarily focused on serving Spanish-speaking BIPOC, immigrants, and communities historically underrepresented in agribusiness ownership in the Northeast states. 


Program Timeline:

- January 1, 2024: Applications Open

- March 1, 2024: Application Deadline

- March 15, 2024: Acceptance Notifications

- March 22, 2024: Acceptance Deadline

- April 6, 2024: Course Commencement


How to Apply 

Your journey begins with a simple step—submitting your application. The deadline is Friday, March 1, 2024, at 11:59 PM EST. Don't miss this opportunity to sow the seeds of your future success.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to Emilyn Sosa, Beginning Farmer Program Specialist, at We're here to support you every step of the way.

Apply Now! 


Need more information? Visit our program site for full program details.

Solicite ahora: ¡La Nueva Siembra 2024!

February 9, 2024

En el corazón de la misión de bg视讯 se encuentra La Nueva Siembra, un programa que sirve como un faro de esperanza y oportunidad para agricultores hispanohablantes experimentados con sueños de cultivar sus propios negocios. Desarrollado con pasión y dedicación por bg视讯, La Nueva Siembra es más que un curso, es un viaje transformador de empoderamiento y creación de comunidad.

Visión general del programa:

La Nueva Siembra no se trata sólo de negocios, se trata de alimentar los sueños, fomentar el crecimiento y sembrar las semillas de la posibilidad. Este programa híbrido anual proporciona un entorno enriquecedor para trabajadores agrícolas de habla hispana poder aprender totalmente en español en su trayectoria empresarial. A través de experiencias de aprendizaje inmersivas, los participantes no sólo aprenden lo esencial de la creación de empresas, sino que también descubren el poder de la colaboración y la solidaridad dentro de una comunidad de apoyo.

Formato del curso:

Los participantes aprenderán de expertos y compañeros del sector, combinando sesiones virtuales con talleres presenciales. De marzo a junio, participarán en animados debates, actividades prácticas y presentaciones colaborativas, todo ello con el objetivo de capacitarlos para convertir sus sueños agrícolas en realidad.

Objetivos del programa:

La Nueva Siembra es más que un programa: es un viaje de autodescubrimiento, crecimiento y transformación. Se trata de plantar semillas de esperanza, alimentar sueños y verlos florecer en hermosas realidades. 

El curso ayudará a desarrollar la comprensión de los componentes que intervienen en la creación de una empresa agrícola. Al final del curso, se pide a los participantes que expongan lo aprendido en el curso y lo presenten en clase como prueba de crecimiento y comprensión.

Nuestro programa cubrirá los componentes involucrados en la creación de un negocio agrícola, incluyendo:

  • Comprensión del camino que va del trabajador agrícola a la propiedad agrícola
  • Visión holística y establecimiento de objetivos
  • Planificación estratégica de la empresa 
  • Marketing y marca
  • Normativa y aspectos legales
  • Operaciones de venta y logística
  • Planificación financiera
  • Acceso al suelo
  • Acceso a capital y recursos

Quién puede solicitarlo: 

La Nueva Siembra es para los soñadores, los visionarios, y los agentes de cambio con al menos 1 año de experiencia en la agricultura en el cuidado de los cultivos y la crianza de la tierra con amor y dedicación. Este programa se centra principalmente en servir a BIPOC de habla hispana, inmigrantes y comunidades históricamente subrepresentadas en la propiedad de la agroindustria en los estados del noreste. 

Cronograma del programa:

- 1 de enero de 2024: Apertura de solicitudes

- 1 de marzo de 2024: Fecha límite para la presentación de solicitudes

- 15 de marzo de 2024: Notificaciones de aceptación

- 22 de marzo de 2024: Fecha límite de aceptación

- 6 de abril de 2024: Comienzo del curso


Cómo solicitar:

Su viaje comienza con un simple paso: el envío de su solicitud. La fecha límite es el viernes 1 de marzo de 2024 a las 11:59 PM EST. No pierdas esta oportunidad de sembrar las semillas de tu éxito futuro.

Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda, no dude en ponerse en contacto con Emilyn Sosa, Especialista del Programa de Agricultores Principiantes, en Estamos aquí para ayudarle en cada paso del camino.

¡Inscríbase ya!


¿Necesita más información? Visite nuestra pagina web con todos los detalles del programa.

Use Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) with bg视讯

February 1, 2024

How to Use Your P-EBT Benefits for Food Before They Expire + Receive Free Extra Health Bucks at Farmers Markets.

Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) is a temporary federal food benefit program that was issued to ALL NYC public school families to buy food to make up for missed school meals while students were enrolled in remote or hybrid learning. P-EBT benefits can be used anywhere EBT cards are accepted for the purchase of food, including supermarkets and farmers markets. It is important to note that many P-EBT benefits may be expiring soon. Please see below  for more information on when these valuable benefits expire and how to receive free extra Health Bucks coupons for the purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables when you use your P-EBT card at farmers markets. 

Who received P-EBT? 

Since 2020, P-EBT payments have been provided to ALL NYC public school students, ages 3-21, regardless of income or immigration status. New York distributed multiple rounds of the P-EBT, including $120 per child for the summer of 2023, as well as at least $391 per child for the summer of 2022 and the 2021-22 school year.

How were P-EBT benefits distributed to families?

  • For families who are already enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the additional P-EBT benefits were loaded onto their existing EBT cards.
  • Families who were not enrolled in SNAP were mailed new EBT cards where the P-EBT benefits were loaded for each round of distribution. 

When does P-EBT expire? 

P-EBT benefits automatically expire 274 days, about nine months, after they were last used. Whenever families use the benefits, the timeline will reset, and they will have another 274 days before the funds expire. For many families, the last round of benefits was issued around May 2023, meaning those who have yet to use them may see their funds start to expire in February 2024. 

  • To find out exactly when your specific P-EBT benefits expire, call the P-EBT Hotline at  (833) 452-0096.
  • If you lost your P-EBT card, you can get a replacement by calling 1-888-328-6399.

Use your P-EBT card at Farmers Markets and receive bonus Health Bucks!

Use your P-EBT card at any NYC farmers market, and for every $2 you spend, you’ll receive an additional $2 in Health Bucks (up to $10 per visit) to spend on fresh fruits and vegetables! ALL bg视讯 food access sites can accept P-EBT cards; we operate over 60 Greenmarkets and Farmstands across NYC. Visit our website to find a location near you. Simply bring your P-EBT card to the bg视讯 information tent, and a staff member will swipe your card and provide you with SNAP tokens that can be used to purchase any edible food item from local farmers. SNAP tokens distributed at bg视讯 Greenmarkets never expire.

The 2024 Health Bucks are now available! 

December 21, 2023
Posted in Greenmarket | Tagged health bucks

Update on 2024 Health Bucks (1/9/2023)

The 2024 Health Bucks are now available! 

All Greenmarket and Farmstand sites will resume distribution of Health Bucks for SNAP sales on Wednesday January 10th, 2024. For every $2 spent in SNAP, customers will receive $2 in Health Bucks, up to $10 per day. 

We’d like to thank our customers for their patience and understanding. Happy shopping!


Novedades sobre los 2024 Health Bucks (1/9/2023)

¡Las Health Bucks 2024 ya están disponibles! 

Todos los Greenmarket y Farmstands reanudarán la distribución de Health Bucks para las ventas de SNAP el miércoles 10 de enero de 2024. Por cada $2 gastados en SNAP, los clientes recibirán $2 en Health Bucks, hasta $10 por día. 

Nos gustaría agradecer a nuestros clientes por su paciencia y comprensión. ¡Felices compras!



关于 2024 健康购物车的最新消息 (1/9/2023)

2024 年健康购物车现已上市!

所有 Greenmarket 和 Farmstand 将于 2024 年 1 月 10 日(星期三)恢复为 SNAP 销售发放健康购物券。顾客在 SNAP 中每消费 2 美元,即可获得 2 美元的健康购物券,每天最多 10 美元。


(Simplified Chinese)


Обновление информации о баксах здоровья 2024 года (1/9/2023)

Баксы здоровья 2024 года уже доступны! 

Все магазины Greenmarket и Farmstand возобновят выдачу баксов здоровья за SNAP-продажи в среду, 10 января 2024 года. За каждые 2 доллара, потраченные по программе SNAP, покупатели будут получать 2 доллара в баксах здоровья, до 10 долларов в день. 

Мы хотели бы поблагодарить наших покупателей за терпение и понимание. Удачных покупок!



Aktualizacja dotycząca 2024 Health Bucks (1/9/2023)

Health Bucks na rok 2024 są już dostępne! 

Wszystkie sklepy Greenmarket i Farmstand wznowią dystrybucję Health Bucks za sprzedaż SNAP w środę 10 stycznia 2024 roku. Za każde 2 dolary wydane na SNAP klienci otrzymają 2 dolary w Health Bucks, do 10 dolarów dziennie. 

Chcielibyśmy podziękować naszym klientom za cierpliwość i zrozumienie. Udanych zakupów!



Sign Our Petition: Save Community Composting

November 17, 2023

Hello New YorkersWe need your voice. Sign our petition. Urge the Mayor to halt the elimination of community compost programs!

Click Here to Sign.


Our Letter

Dear Mayor Adams and Commissioner Tisch,

I am a concerned citizen who wants to live in a sustainable New York City and I understand that community composting has been cut.

The New York City Compost Project and bg视讯 serve millions of New Yorkers throughout the five boroughs, providing food scrap collections, organics processing, composting outreach and community education. I petition you today to save these programs in light of announced budget cuts.

Community composting organizations, including bg视讯, Big Reuse, LES Ecology Center, Earth Matter NY, New York Botanical Garden, Queens Botanical Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, and Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden collectively:

  • Divert more than 8.3 million pounds of organic waste from landfills each year.

  • Produce and distribute hundreds of thousands of pounds of compost to over 325 community groups, parks, 85 street tree care events, and thousands of individuals each year. 

  • Engage over 1,000 yearly participants in Master Composter activities through food, farming, and composting opportunities across the city.

  • Provide compost outreach and education to over 600,000 New Yorkers annually, making them aware of food waste's contributions to the climate crisis while providing the opportunity to address this critical issue.

  • Operate 6 community composting sites - providing the most sustainable and equitable form of organics waste management.

Cutting community composting and outreach programs will result in the elimination of these invaluable services and the loss of over 115 green jobs. 

Community composting programs transform New Yorkers' waste into valuable resources, providing essential soil for our parks, gardens, and playgrounds. These programs serve as a crucial tool in combating climate change. Furthermore, given the anticipated delays in the expansion of the Curbside Composting program, the success of such an initiative in New York City hinges on a robust outreach and community composting network to educate and engage residents.

I urge the Mayor and City Council to halt these massive cuts and to guarantee full funding to these programs for the future. These cost-effective programs contribute to a more liveable city with fewer rats, cleaner streets, and healthier soils, while cutting waste destined for landfills or incinerators.

2023 Holiday Schedule - Greenmarkets, Farmstands, Food Scrap and Clothing Collections

November 17, 2023

Christmas and New Years are right around the corner and markets are abundant with all of the ingredients you need for delicious meals and celebrations. Some scheduling changes will take place due to the holidays, see below for full schedule. 

Please note, food scrap and clothing collections remain the same for regularly scheduled market days, unless otherwise noted. 

*There will be no food scrap collections at bg视讯 sites from Sunday 12/24 through Friday 12/29! Our food scrap collection sites will be open on Saturday 12/30 and Sunday 12/31! 

**For farmer/producer attendance, scroll to the bottom of each individual market webpage, updated the morning of each market day.

Saturday 12/23: All Clothing Collections Suspended!
Brooklyn Borough Hall Greenmarket, BK, market open 8am-3pm
Ft Greene Greenmarket, BK, market open 8am-3pm (Clothing Collection Cancelled) 
Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket, BK, market open 8am-3pm (Clothing Collection Cancelled) 
McCarren Park Greenmarket, BK, market open 8am-2pm (Clothing Collection Cancelled) 
7th Avenue Sunset Park Greenmarket & Farmstand, BK, market open 8:30am-2pm
Bed-Stuy Farmstand, BK, Farmstand open 8am-2pm 
St. George Greenmarket, SI, market open 8am-1pm
(Food Scrap Collections cancelled until further notice)
82nd Street Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 9am-2:30pm
Inwood Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-3pm
Tribeca Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-2pm
Abingdon Square Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-2pm
Tucker Square Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-4pm
Union Square Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-6pm
Sunnyside Greenmarket, QNS, market open 
8am-3pm (Clothing Collection Cancelled) 

Sunday 12/24: All bg视讯 Food Scrap Collections and Clothing Collections Suspended! 
Carroll Gardens Greenmarket, BK, market open 8am-2pm (Clothing Collection Cancelled) 
Cortelyou Greenmarket, BK, market open 8am-2pm 
Forest Hills Greenmarket, QNS, market open 8am-2pm 
Jackson Heights Greenmarket, QNS, market open 8am-3pm
Tompkins Square Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 9am-4pm (Clothing Collection Cancelled) 
77th/79th Street Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 9am-4pm (Clothing Collection Cancelled) 
Columbia University Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-4pm (Clothing Collection Cancelled) 

Monday 12/25: 
CLOSED Union Square Greenmarket, MHTN (Food Scrap Collection Cancelled) 

Tuesday 12/26: 
CLOSED (All Producers Out) Brooklyn Borough Hall Greenmarket, BK

Wednesday 12/27:  All bg视讯 Food Scrap Collections Suspended! 
Bartel-Pritchard Greenmarket, BK, market open 8am-2pm 
Dag Hammarskjold Plaza Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-3pm 
Union Square Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-6pm 
CLOSED Uptown Grand Central Farmstand 
CLOSED Madison Square Park Food Scrap Drop-off, MHTN
CLOSED Mott Haven Food Scrap Drop-off, BX
CLOSED Morrisania Food Scrap Drop-off, BX

Thursday 12/28:  All bg视讯 Food Scrap Collections Suspended! 
Columbia University Greenmarket, MHTN, open 8am-4pm
Tucker Square Greenmarket, MHTN, open 8am-3pm 
CLOSED PS 57 Farmstand, MHTN
CLOSED Norwood Farmstand, BX 

CLOSED 145th Street Food Scrap Drop-off, MN
CLOSED 181st Street Food Scrap Drop-off, MN
CLOSED Crown Heights Franklin Ave Food Scrap Drop-off, BK
CLOSED Prospect Heights Food Scrap Drop-off, BK 
CLOSED Wilson Ave Food Scrap Drop-off, BK 
CLOSED Kew Gardens Food Scrap Drop-off, QNS 
CLOSED BronxWorks Carolyn McLaughlin Community Center Food Scrap Drop-Off, BX

Friday 12/29: All bg视讯 Food Scrap Collections Suspended! 
97th Street Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-2pm 
Union Square Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-6pm 
CLOSED Lenox Hill Farmstand, MHTN 
CLOSED Crown Heights Farmstand 
CLOSED East 96th Street Food Scrap Drop-off, MHTN
CLOSED St. Mary’s Harlem Food Scrap Drop-off, MHTN
CLOSED Fordham Plaza Food Scrap Drop-off, BX
CLOSED New Roots Community Farm Food Scrap Drop-off, BX
CLOSED Parkchester Food Scrap Drop-off, BX
CLOSED Montefiore Bronx Health Collective Food Scrap Drop-off, BX
CLOSED Cypress Hills Food Scrap Drop-off, BK
CLOSED Flatbush Junction Food Scrap Drop-off, BK
CLOSED Corona Food Scrap Drop-off, QNS
CLOSED College Point Food Scrap Drop-off, QNS

Saturday 12/30: All Clothing Collections Suspended!
Brooklyn Borough Hall Greenmarket, BK, market open 8am-3pm
Ft Greene Greenmarket, BK, market open 8am-3pm
 (Clothing Collection Cancelled) 
Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket, BK, market open 8am-3pm (Clothing Collection Cancelled) 
McCarren Park Greenmarket, BK, market open 8am-2pm (Clothing Collection Cancelled) 
St. George Greenmarket, SI, market open 8am-1pm 
82nd Street Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 9am-2:30pm
Inwood Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-3pm
Tribeca Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-2pm
Abingdon Square Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-2pm
Tucker Square Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-4pm
Union Square Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-6pm
Sunnyside Greenmarket, QNS, market open 8am-3pm 
(Clothing Collection Cancelled) 
Bay Ridge Food Scrap Drop-off 
Kensington Food Scrap Drop-off 
Ridgewood Food Scrap Drop-off
CLOSED (All Producers Out) 7th Avenue Sunset Park Greenmarket & Farmstand (Food Scrap Collection open 9am-12pm)
CLOSED Bed-Stuy Farmstand (Food Scrap Collection open 11am-3pm)

Sunday 12/31: All Clothing Collections Suspended!
Carroll Gardens Greenmarket, BK, market open 8am-2pm (Clothing Collection Cancelled) 
Cortelyou Greenmarket, BK, market open 8am-2pm 
Forest Hills Greenmarket, QNS, market open 8am-2pm 
Jackson Heights Greenmarket, QNS, market open 8am-3pm
Tompkins Square Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 9am-4pm (Clothing Collection Cancelled) 
77th/79th Street Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 9am-4pm (Clothing Collection Cancelled)  
Columbia University Greenmarket, MHTN, market open 8am-4pm (Clothing Collection Cancelled) 

Monday 1/1: 
CLOSED Union Square Greenmarket, MHTN (Food Scrap Collection Cancelled) 

Deck the Halls - 2023 Greenmarket Gift Guide & Christmas Trees + Holiday Wreaths at Greenmarkets

November 16, 2023
Posted in Greenmarket | Tagged holidays

Your locally grown Christmas trees, wreaths, and boughs will stay fresher longer and smell incredible. Greenmarkets where you can stock up on holiday greens:

A'moon Farm: Wreaths, Bouquets, Garlands, Princess Pines, White Pines, Cedar Pines, Mountain Laurels, Boxwood, Juniper, and Rosehips (Union Square Greenmarket Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, Tompkins Square Greenmarket Sundays)
Down Home Acres: Wreaths (97th Street Greenmarket Fridays, 77th Street Greenmarket Sundays, Columbia University Greenmarket Sundays)
Durr Wholesale: Wreaths, centerpieces, and bouquets (Union Square Greenmarket Saturdays) 
Fantastic Gardens: Potted evergreens, poinsettias, amaryllis (Union Square Greenmarket Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays)
Green Life Farm: Wreaths (77th Street Greenmarket Sundays)
Luna Family Farm: Wreaths, centerpieces, and bouquets (Columbia University Greenmarket Thursdays; Stuyvesant Town Greenmarket Sundays; Union Square Greenmarket Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays)
Moonshot Farm: Wreaths and potted plants -  amaryllis, paperwhites, evergreen bundles, bouquets and centerpieces (Union Square Greenmarket Fridays and Army Plaza Greenmarkets Saturdays)
Newgate Farms: Wreaths (Cortelyou Greenmarket Sundays, Columbia Greenmarket Thursdays)
Pe-tal Plants: Potted evergreens, poinsettias, and amaryllis (Union Square Greenmarket Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays)
Phillips Farm: Eucalyptus Wreaths (Union Square Saturdays, Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket Saturdays, Jackson Heights Greenmarket Sundays)
Rexcroft Farm: Wreaths, Dried flower bouquets (Fort Greene Greenmarket Saturdays) 
River Garden: Dried flower wreaths (Union Square Greenmarket Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays)
Stokes Farm: Herb wreaths (Tucker Square Greenmarket Thursdays and Saturdays; Union Square Greenmarket Saturdays)
Van Houten Farms: Trees, wreaths, and garland (Union Square Greenmarket Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays)


Holiday gift shopping for the Greenmarket lover is made easy with this list of popular holiday gifts from Greenmarket producers. 

Greenmarket Merch: Tote bags (many farmers also tell totes!), reusable produce bags, 2024 calendar designed by Aly Miller Illustrations 
Greenmarket Tokens: Wooden tokens can be purchased in $5 increments at the information tent at any Greenmarket using a credit or debit card. Tokens can be used like money at most vendors. 

Sachets, Salves, Lip Balms, Lotions, and Body Oils
Beeswax Candles 
Wool Apparel, Yarn, Hats, Scarves
Herbal Tinctures, Teas, and Tisanes 

Decorative Garlic Braids 
Poinsettias, Paper Whites, and Orchids
Succulent & Cactus 
Farmstead Wool Blankets and Wall Hangings 

Hard Cider
Egg Nog
Spirits: Gin, Corn Whiskey, Vodka, Unaged Single Malt Whiskey

Jams and Preserves
Farmstead Cheeses
Herb Wreaths 
Cookies, Pies and Baked Goods
Maple Syrup, Maple Cotton Candy & Maple Candies
Chicken Liver Bourbon Pâté 
Soppressata and Cured Chorizo
Duck Salami and Prosciutto 
Bison Jerky from Roaming Acres 
Dried & Smoked Chiles & Powdered Spices 

Please note, not all of these items are sold at every market location so check the producer line-up to see what products are available at your local Greenmarket.


Thanksgiving Week Schedule 2023 - Greenmarkets, Farmstands, Compost

October 12, 2023
Posted in bg视讯

Thanksgiving 2023 is right around the corner and markets are abundant with all of the ingredients you need for a delicious meal. We will have some schedule changes to accommodate shopping schedules, see below.

*Market days with an asterisk mean it's a special market, rescheduled to Tuesday or Wednesday, normally held on a Thursday or Friday, so that customers have an opportunity to shop for Thanksgiving ingredients. 

And don't forget the turkey!

Food scrap and clothing collections are the same for regularly scheduled markets, there is NO food scrap or clothing collections on rescheduled market days (those with an asterisk) other than Union Square Tuesday.

Monday, 11/20:
Union Square, MHTN, open 8am-6pm 

Tuesday, 11/21: 
All regularly scheduled Compost sites are open.
Astor Place Greenmarket, MHTN, open 8am-5pm Last day for the season
Bowling Green Greenmarket, MHTN, open 8am-2pm 
Brooklyn Borough Hall Greenmarket, BK, open 8am-3pm  
Bronx Borough Hall Greenmarket, BX, open 8am-4pm Last day for the season
*Columbia University Greenmarket, MHTN, open 8am-4pm 
Elmhurst Hospital Greenmarket, QNS, open 8am-3pm Last day for the season
Fort Washington Greenmarket, MHTN, open 8am-4pm Last day for the season
Lincoln Hospital Greenmarket, BX, open 8am-3pm Last day for the season
Poe Park Greenmarket, BX, open 8am-3pm Last day for the season
*Union Sq Greenmarket (Friday producers), MHTN, open 8am-6pm (LESEC will be collecting food scraps)

Wednesday 11/22:  
All regularly scheduled Compost sites are open.
57th Street Greenmarket, MHTN, open 8am-4pm Last day for the season
*97th Street Greenmarket, MHTN, open 8am-2pm (NO FOOD SCRAP COLLECTION)
Bartel-Pritchard Greenmarket, BK, open 8am-2pm 
*Bowling Green Greenmarket, MHTN, open 8am-2pm Last day for the season
Dag Hammarskjold Plaza Greenmarket, MHTN, open 8am-3pm 
Eastchester Farmstand, BX, open 8am-1pm Last day for the season
Flushing Greenmarket, QNS, open 8am-3pm 
Morris Heights Farmstand, BX, open 10am-2pm
Morrisania Farmstand, BX, open 9am-2:30pm 
Mount Sinai Greenmarket, MHTN, open 8am-3pm Last day for the season 
*Parkchester Greenmarket, BX, open 8am-3pm Last day for the season (NO FOOD SCRAP COLLECTION)
Tribeca Greenmarket, MHTN, open 8am-3pm Last day for the season (Wednesdays only, open year-round on Saturdays)
*Tucker Square Greenmarket, MHTN, open 8am-3pm (NO FOOD SCRAP COLLECTION)
Union Square Greenmarket, MHTN, open 8am-6pm 
Upper Grand Central Farmstand, MHTN, open 1:30pm-7pm
Woodhull Farmstand, BK, open 9am-2pm 

Thursday 11/23 & Friday 11/24:
All Greenmarkets and Farmstand locations closed. No clothing or food scrap collections.
**The Union Square Friday Greenmarket is closed, but Lower East Side Ecology Center will be collecting food scraps at Park and 17th Street. 

Saturday 11/25 & Sunday 11/26
Regular Greenmarket schedule Please check individual market webpages for farmer attendance.
All Food Scrap Collection sites OPEN
All Farmstand sites CLOSED 



Greenmarket 2023 Turkey Guide

October 12, 2023
Posted in Greenmarket

Thanksgiving 2023 is just around the corner—November 23rd, to be exact—and turkey orders are already filling fast! Find out below what local farms are bringing pasture-raised Thanksgiving turkeys to your neighborhood Greenmarket.

You can also find the freshest side dish ingredients such as Brussels sprouts, carrots, fennel, winter squash, potatoes, apples, pears, herbs, honey, maple syrup, pre-made pies, butter, and cream. In addition to those items, don't forget we have spirits and hard cider made from 100% locally-grown ingredients. As well as pickles and condiments for your leftover turkey sandwiches, and much more. 

Abundance Acres Farm
Breed: Pasture-raised Sonoma Valley Classics
Where and how to order: Sunnyside Greenmarket Saturdays, Cortelyou Greenmarket Sundays, Jackson Heights Greenmarket Sundays or contact
Where and when to pick up: Sunnyside Greenmarket on Saturday 11/18, Cortelyou Greenmarket 11/19, or Jackson Heights Greenmarket 11/19

Dipaola Turkey
Breed: Broad Breasted White (parts and sausage also available)
Where to order: Online at 
Where to pick up: 

79th Street Sunday, 11/19
97th Street Friday, 11/22 
Brooklyn Borough Hall Saturday, 11/18
Carroll Gardens Sunday, 11/19
Columbia Sunday, 11/19
Cortelyou Sunday, 11/19
Forest Hills, 11/19
Fort Greene Saturday, 11/18

Grand Army Plaza Saturday, 11/18 
Greenpoint Saturday, 11/18
Inwood Saturday, 11/18
Jackson Heights Sunday, 11/19
Tribeca Saturday, 11/18
Union Square Wednesday, 11/22


† Market open Wednesday before Thanksgiving for pick-ups.

Fiesty Acres Farm
Breeds: Broad Breasted Bronze
Also available -- whole roasting chickens and quail
Where and how to order: Limited availability of turkeys available for purchase at Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket 11/18
Where and when to pick up: Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket on Saturday 11/18

Ox Hollow Farm
Breeds: Mini Classic Turkeys
Where and how to order: Union Square Greenmarket Mondays, Inwood Greenmarket Saturdays, 79th Street Greenmarket Sundays, or Stuyvesant Town Greenmarket Sundays
Where and when to pick up: Union Square Greenmarket on Monday 11/20, Inwood Greenmarket Saturday 11/18, 79th Street Greenmarket Sunday 11/19, or Stuyvesant Town Greenmarket Sunday 11/19

Ramble Creek Farm
Breeds: Broad Breasted White 
Where and how to order: Union Square Greenmarket Fridays; 97th Street Greenmarket Fridays, or call to order at 518-769-0897 or order online at  
Where and when to pick up: Union Square Greenmarket on Tuesday 11/21 or 97th Street Greenmarket Wednesday 11/22

Quattros Game Farm
Breeds: New Holland White
Where and how to order: Union Square Greenmarket Saturdays, or call the farm store at 845.635.2018
Where and when to pick up: Union Square Greenmarket on Saturday 11/18 or Wednesday 11/22

Stone & Thistle Farm
Breeds: Broad Breasted White and Broad Breasted Bronze
Where and how to order: Brooklyn Borough Hall Greenmarket SaturdaysTompkins Square Greenmarket Sundays or Forest Hills Greenmarket Sundays. $20 deposit / $6.50 lb.
Where and when to pick up: Brooklyn Borough Hall Greenmarket 11/18, Tompkins Square Greenmarket 11/19 or Forest Hills Greenmarket 11/19

Violet Hill Farm
Breed: Broad Breasted White
Where and how to order: Union Square Greenmarket SaturdaysMcCarren Park/Greenpoint Saturdays or order online at 
Where and when to pick up: Union Square Greenmarket or McCarren Park/Greenpoint Greenmarket on Saturday 11/18, or Union Square Greenmarket Wednesday 11/22 

Donate A Bag This November

October 11, 2023

Greenmarket is partnering with City Harvest, Food Bank of New York City, and other local food rescue organizations to help feed New York City's hungry residents this Thanksgiving. 

At the markets listed below, buy an extra bag of fresh produce while you shop and donate it at the Market Information tent. 

Wednesday, November 8
City Harvest
Union Square Greenmarket

Saturday, November 11
City Harvest
Grand Army Plaza

Sunday, November 12
City Harvest
77th Street Greenmarket

Monday, November 13
Food Bank of New York City
Union Square Greenmarket

Tuesday, November 14
Child Development Support Corporation
Brooklyn Borough Hall Greenmarket

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